Our immune systems do a remarkable job of protecting us from illness. However, we can’t expect them to perform at their best if we are not taking care of ourselves and our body is then having to work over-time. The article below outlines some areas we can consider working on, in order to ensure our immune systems are strong and ready for action.
Your immune system is your first port of call in the fight to stave off infection and disease. Keeping it in good condition is important both for individuals and the public at large to stay happy and healthy.
To help, we’ve put together a list of top tips on how you can keep your immune system fighting fresh.
First-hand hygiene
Soap and water can be hugely helpful in stopping transmission of the infection. Some viruses have a lipid (or fatty) layer on the outside, so simple hand washing breaks them down and stops them spreading.
We’ve also learned that a person’s underlying level of health is relevant to how well the body copes with infection. Lifestyle changes can do nothing to stop you from becoming unwell – that mostly comes down to hand hygiene or social distancing techniques – but they can help to strengthen your body and mind.
The strength of the immune system varies not only from person to person but also from day to day – its ability to fight off disease fluctuates depending on many factors.
Reduce stress
The headlines we’re bombarded with every day could easily have an impact on the nation’s mental health. In this time of stress, it’s useful to remember the impact stress hormones have on weakening the immune system.
In short supply, the stress hormone cortisol can boost immunity by limiting inflammation. But, once it crosses a certain threshold, too much cortisol in the blood opens the door for more inflammation.
Stress can also negatively impact the production of lymphocytes — the white blood cells that are the body’s first line of defence against infection — putting you at potential risk of viral disease. Consider limiting your daily screen time and take breaks when you feel burned out. Relaxation techniques like meditation and gentle exercise might also help.
The importance of exercise
Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and offers protection against diseases.
Exercise also improves blood circulation, allowing immune system cells to move through the body more freely and do their job more effectively.
Eat a balanced diet
The immune system is the body’s natural defence system, and (like any army) its soldiers need sustenance. Make sure you eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables in order to receive the right proportion of micronutrients.
Nutrition, and the advice of nutritionists, is useful in understanding the best way to respond to patterns of illness. Monash University’s ‘Food as Medicine’ course, designed especially for healthcare professionals, gives an introduction to current evidence surrounding the impact of nutrition on the development and treatment of chronic low-grade inflammation, and potential subsequent disease development.
Don’t smoke
Smoking tobacco has several negative effects on immune system health, such as:
Greater susceptibility to infections such as pneumonia and influenza.
More severe and longer-lasting illnesses.
Lower levels of protective antioxidants (such as vitamin C), in the blood.
Try to sleep
Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep or good quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus.
When we sleep, the body releases proteins called cytokines, while sleep deprivation decreases their production. Cytokines are paramount during times of infection or inflammation.’
Source: FutureLearn